financial coaching canada

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Business

As we head towards a new year, it’s a time when people traditionally make New Year’s resolutions. These are typically focused on improving something in their lives or perhaps setting a goal. But what about your business? The new year

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personal finance coach

Monica’s Holiday Survival List

  Pay attention to your spending. Make a budget for gifts & holiday expenses and STICK TO IT! Use cash instead of credit to purchase gifts. If you need to use your credit card, make sure to pay off purchases

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financial coaching canada

3 Reports Entrepreneur Should Know How To Read

Image credit: pexels Karolina Grabowska If you’ve ever worked with a bookkeeper, you know the drill… we download your transactions, give you a call and discuss the details, making sure that we have things categorized correctly. The reason we do

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financial coaching canada

5 Habits of the Financially Savvy

Photo by Lala Azizli 1. Budget Every Week. Being on top of what you’re earning and what you’re spending is key. You probably have a good feel of what income is coming in throughout the month. You’re also probably aware

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