financial coach canada

Challenges, Boredom, and What’s Next…

Our business is experiencing unprecedented growth right now. We’ve taken on more than forty new clients since the start of January, which is a rapid rate of increase that we’ve never before seen. I suspect that part of what’s driving

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financial coach canada

Accounting Tips for Coaching Businesses

Whether you’re a life coach, math tutor, or engineering consultant, sharing your expertise as a sole proprietor gives you the independent lifestyle you want. Here’s how to ensure that it gives you the financial rewards as well. The secret lies

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coaching finance

“Passing Go”…

A question I get fairly regularly is where my passion for financial management first started. I’ve given it some thought over the years, and I think the blame, or credit, has to go to Santa Claus. When we were growing

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coaching finance

Bookkeeping Important: to Small Businesses

Regardless of the size of your business, bookkeeping is something you need to stay on top of. Even if you’re self-employed, it’s necessary to keep track of the financial side of things. It’s the best way to ensure that your

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virtual financial coach

The Best Things In Life

My mom got her Covid vaccine a couple of weeks ago. I was thrilled and surprised at how quickly it happened for her. We had heard nothing from her physicians, and we assumed there would be no movement for a

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manage money

The Things Money Won’t Buy

As humans, we all crave energetic connections, whether romantic or platonic. And money, which is just another form of energy, affects relationships in interesting ways.

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manage money

Starting Out With $5

Money need never be an albatross around your neck. Money is just a vehicle: a thing that helps you live your life the way you want to live it, and if you can separate emotion from it, you will be better able to see where money goes and where it needs to go.

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financial coaching canada

Set your business up for success

The new year is upon us. It’s always a great time to assess where you are and where you want to be. Glance around the internet and you’ll see all kinds of challenges, vision board events, and people facilitating the

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